Any techniques, tools, meditations, visualizations and perspectives are not given as a substitute for medical advice nor are they claimed as cures or remedies. They are not intended as replacement for medical care. You must follow the advice of your doctor for all medical treatments, prescribed remedies, and for all mental, emotional, physical problems.

Self responsibility is required for you to discover and educate yourself about all medical conditions and prescribed treatments for your body. It is up to you to and you alone to decide what is the right course of treatment for you and or your loved ones.

Nothing written, stated or offered is intended to suggest you not seek standard medical treatment or advice. Nor should it be taken as a remedy over medical treatment. If you are pregnant, please seek the advice of a doctor before performing any techniques, tools or meditations or scheduling a session.

What is offered is a perspective and opportunity to explore and develop your spirituality and relationship to life and awakening in hopes you will remember your essential nature which is pure love. When you purchase and schedule a session, or attend a retreat, you agree to fully release, indemnify, and hold harmless, mary grace allerdice and mgallerdice, LLC its principals, owners, personal representatives, consultants, employees and assigns from any claim or liability whatsoever and for any damage or injury, personal, financial, emotional, psychological or otherwise, which you may incur arising at any time out of or in relation to your sessions or retreats.

If any court of law rules that any part of the disclaimer is invalid, the disclaimer stands as if those parts were struck out.

If you are signing up for a retreat, you are responsible for all transportation and costs needed to get you to the retreat site. Due to the nature of retreats, no refunds may be given under any circumstances. We recommend that you purchase travel insurance and that you confirm that you have adequate medical insurance while you are traveling.

I believe the future is an alive + co-created reality. There is a spectrum of interpretations for every transit, channeled guidance, or reading. I cannot personally guarantee any specific results or outcomes with this work.

I also believe we have the power + responsibility to become more active with how we work with + receive interpretations and other people’s perspectives. Please step into that responsibility.

You are your own Sovereign. You alone have the power to integrate and blossom into your fullness expression + destiny.

I do not approach any of my practices as a way to define, limit or specifically predict the future. It is also against my ethics to use my intuitive gifts to glean information from others or spy on them in any way. I do not practice on others who are not present without their consent, so please do not contact me to do so.

I am not a licensed therapist, doctor, financial advisor, or legal advisor. If you are looking for counsel that I do not feel qualified to give, I will happily refer you to another professional.

By signing up to participate in this experience, you acknowledge that you have the support systems and relationships around you to nurture and nourish your growth, healing and transformation. By signing up to participate you agree with and have understood these terms.